
  • In K.S.A

    1. Sharing with research in the eighteenth meeting for Saudi association of biological sciences in industrial Yanbu city 1418H.
    2. SHAREt with research in the 21st meeting of the Saudi Biological Sciences Association. King Saud University - Riyadh (1423H).
    3. Attending and SHARING with two researches in the twenty second anaual scientific meeting for the Saudi Association of biological Sciences. King Saud University - Gasiem Branch through the period  (1424 H).
    4. Attending of Organizing Committee in first Cultural Rendezvous and Book Exhibition for Education Colleges of Jeddah which taken place in Education College – Art Departments through period 2-12 Muharram (1425 H).
    5. Attending and SHARING with two researches in the second Saudi Conference for Sciences New Images for the Role of Sciences Colleges in the Kingdom (New Horizons and Applied Researches) through the period 24-26 Muharram 1425 H- King Abdull Aziz University - Jeddah.
    6. Attending International Conference of Biological Technology. King Fiasal Specialty Hospital and Researches Center- Jeddah Hilton Holton in the period 21-23 Rabea Awal 1425H.
    7. Attend the Scientific Meeting on Dangerous Analyzing System and Controlled Critical Points ( Alhasp ) in the food industry and food Services organized by Saudi Association for food  and feeding Sciences in King Saud University held in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jeddah through the period Monday 20-8-1425H.
    8. Attending the first meeting (wastage treatment and circulation and it's effect in environment protectionism ) for the Saudi Chemistry association – king abdull aziz university. 26-1-1426H.
    9. SHARING with Work Shop Method of verbalizing Suggested Document of Prince Abdullah Bin Abdull Aziz about High Education in caring of Prince Sultan Bin Abdull Aziz in Festival Hall and Conference Center- King Abull Aziz University Jeddah from 19-21 - Zollhejea 1425 H.
    10. Attending of Organizing Committee in Second Cultural Rendezvous and SHARING Book Exhibition which held in Ladies Education College – Art Departments through period 9-20 Suffar 1426 H.
    11. Attending and SHARING with Work-Shop in the first Scientific Meeting subjected by ( Environmental Contamination and it's effect on human body health) which held in Ladies Education College - Riyadh - Scientific Departments through the period from 12-13 Sufar 1426 H.
    12. Attending Work-Shop of designing enriching program under support of king Adull Aziz and his men Establishment for caring of Talented through period from 28 Rabea Awal to 1 Rabea Thani 1426H.
  • OUT OF K.S.A
    1. Attending and SHARING with two researches in the 21 Conference for Egyptian magazine for tissues and cell sciences – Medicine faculty - Al-azhar University - Ciro.
    2. Attending and SHARING with research in the sixth Conference for the Arab Biological Union - Science College Cairo University 1999.
    3. Attending and SHARING with two researches in the Seventh International Conference for Scientific Incapacitation in Holy Quran and Suna in Dubai - U.A.E organized by International Dubai Price for Holy Quran and International Corps for Scientific Incapacitation in Holy Quran and Suna - Islamic World Association – Makkah Almukarrama from 1-4 sufar 1425H.

Last Update
10/14/2012 5:53:35 PM