Administration Activities
Head Department of Zoology (5) years.
Vice of college for administrative and financial affair for six years.
Head of student affair in college for one year.
Head of course of diploma of laboratory technician for 2 years.
Head of un methodizing activity for 6 years.
Vice of Examination Processing Committee for 4 years.
Member of Mark Funding Committee for 14 years.
Member of Zoology Department council 1410-1426 H.
Member of College Council. for 8 years.
Member of Higher Studies Council. for 2 years.
Member of Actualization Committee in College for 4 years.
Student Fund Vice for 3 years.
Training of Delegated from advisory office of Jeddah in College Laboratory Photo- Telescope Technique.
SHARING in supervising and training of enriching program for the talented student held in Ladies Education College Jeddah - Scientific Department for 3 years.
Sharing in discussion (the manger activeness in the working group) in general administration Institute Jeddah 1420H.
Sharing on Discussion (Developmental Sill of Administration Conflict in working environment) held in branch of general administration Institute Jeddah 1422 H.
Sharing on Discussion (Problem Analyzing and making Administration Decisions) held in branch of general administration Institute Jeddah 1423H.
Sharing on Application Discussion ( Administration of total quality) held in branch of general administration Institute Jeddah 28 safar -2 rabea awal 1425 H.
Last Update
10/14/2012 6:21:39 PM